stsadm -o backup and stsadm -o restore
To backup:
1. On the server locate the file stsadm.exe (if you have sharepoint 2 and sharepoint 3 locate the one in the "12" folder.
2. Open command prompt and type [path to stsadm.exe\]stsadm -o backup -url http://[url-of-the-web-site] -filename [path and name of the file.dat]
To restore:
1. Create a web application (but don't create a site collection)
2. On the server locate stsadm.exe
3. Open command prompt and type [path to stsadm.exe\]stsadm -o restore -filename [path and name of the file.dat] -url http://[url-of-the-web-site]
It migrates the whole site collection perfectly! All data-view-webparts are preserved, all user rights, meta data, etc. are preserved).CONS:
1, It keeps the same GUIDS of lists and sites, so you can't use it to create a copy of the site in the same content database. (Example: You have 1 web application and you want to create a copy of the site in the same site collection in the same web application)
2. You can't backup specific subsites - only entire site collection
3. You need to have access to the server to run stsadm.exe
Wow, spent three hours last night trying a variety of ways of restoring my database. Maybe I was just tired. Any how, ran this with my backup on a testbed system, and data restored perfectly.
Glad it worked out. I know the headaches we can have by backup/restore of sharepoint sites.
Backing up SharePoint sites can indeed be a headache. How about this one, restore fails if the backup file is marked as read only.!8A48A27460FB898A!963.entry
You mentioned Con#1 which limits its use tremendously. Have you found a way around this or a different way of doing this without having to migrate the content by hand?
"so you can't use it to create a copy of the site in the same content database. (Example: You have 1 web application and you want to create a copy of the site in the same site collection in the same web application)"
Got it figured out.
stsadm -o Export and Import commands. Use the -cabsize switch with the Export command will create a file set to get around the 25meg cap.
*Make sure that your windows account has access within SharePoint to the site you are trying to Export and Import
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