Important notice

Please note that this blog is discontinued here. All the posts are also coppied to my new blog at
Important: Due to large amount of comment spam further commenting has been disabled here. If you wish to send me a comment, plase look up the same post on my new blog and leave comment there. Thanks!


Rearranged my blog homepage a bit...

It was a while from when I was checking what interesting gadgets blogger had to offer. Ofcourse checking them I was pleasantly surprised. So not so long ago using some new gadgets, I've rearranged my homepage a bit:

  • removed "About me" part
  • added "Read about" section with all my tags so you can filter
  • using a new feature in Blogger - added a small poll - which content you find most useful - you're invited to answer it so can get a feedback about what to write more. :) 
  • shuffled the right hand column a bit.

1 comment:

Abhishek Krishnan said...

hey.. your blog seems interesting.. you can check out my blog and let me know if you are interested in exchaning links. My blog is at .. Do let me know.. Thanks