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Please note that this blog is discontinued here. All the posts are also coppied to my new blog at
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Deployment of ERTE

There were some questions about how to deploy the ERTE solution that I've prepared on Codeplex (for inserting embeddable content to SharePoint Enhanced Rich Text Field). So I've prepared a video on how to deploy it.

Oznake ponudnika Technorati: ,,,


Couple of useful JavaScript global variables in SharePoint

If you're using custom JavaScripts with SharePoint some global JavaScript variables may come in handy.

These variables work if you're using SharePoint's default or any other custom master page.

L_Menu_BaseUrl - the base URL of the site / subsite. Very useful when you need to determine the absolute path of the site in JavaScript. Example: document.location = L_Menu_BaseUrl + 'lists/calendar/allitems.aspx' //redirects to Calendar list

L_Menu_LCID - the LCID of the site you're in. Useful if you need to determine the language of the site. The list of Locale IDs can be found here. I'm using the LCID for localizations in ERTE project. See the example of checking LCID below:

L_Menu_SiteTheme - the name of the theme applied to the site.

There is one more useful variable, but this one can't be used on custom master pages that you created. This one is used in the SharePoint's default pages:

_spUserId - the ID of the logged in user.

Oznake ponudnika Technorati: ,


New Release of ERTE for SharePoint now supports localizations.

The new version is released. If you've downloaded the first release, just download the new one from CodePlex and replace the .js file in the /_catalogs/masterpage gallery in your site collection. The project is still under Beta, so if you find some bugs please let me know.

The new version now supports localizations. The current version is published with English (LCID 1033) and Slovene (LCID 1060) translations. If the script can't find localization for your language, it will use english by default.

To add your own localization, add under "//Localization arrays" the translated following line:

var erte1033 = new Array("Please inputtt details","Alt Text","This will be displayed in RSS feeds","Embed Code","Paste your Embed code here","Insert","Close"); //english

and change the LCID and language at the end. If you don't know the LCID of your SharePoint site, open it in Internet Explorer, in the address bar type javascript:alert(L_Menu_LCID) and press enter. The alert window will tell you the LCID. The final translated version (example for Slovene language) will look like this:

var erte1060 = new Array("Vnesite parametre","Besedilo","Besedilo bo izpisano v RSS-viru","Embed koda","Prilepite Embed kodo v polje","Vstavi","Zapri"); //slovene

If you've localized the texts, I'd be happy to add them to the new release, so we could have as full version as possible. Please publish the translation under comments on my CodePlex HomePage.

Oznake ponudnika Technorati: ,,,,,


Just released: Enhanced Rich Text Field Extended

I was already writing and showing how to embed Flash animations in a SharePoint Blog or any Enhanced Rich Text Field.

Watching MIke Gannotti's video about what I was already presenting he had a good point, the solution is not so user-friendly.

So I changed the methodology a bit. Now the simple-to-deploy solution offers the following features:

1. Embed almost any HTML code snippet
2. Additional button in the Rich Text Toolbar to help you embed

3. A User Interface for pasting the code snippet

No server-side code is included. To see more and download the JavaScript please visit

The deployment instructions are on the homepage and in the release zip file.

Oznake ponudnika Technorati: ,,,,